Exer Studio is FREE through the COVID-19 pandemic. Because the fitter the coaching community is, the fitter we all are.

Leaderboards & power zones for any virtual workout.

Grow your virtual fitness business with AI-powered real time workout data. No hardware required.

Ashley C.
Matty M.
Jack S.
Nicki B.
Dan M.

The magic of
Exer + Live Fitness

Exer Studio works on Zoom, Google Meet, Facebook, Instagram
Studio works with any live streaming platform - Zoom, Facebook Live, IG Live, Google Meet etc.
Testimonial Image

"Being born out of the pandemic, Sweat from Home is dedicated to providing the best online workout through live, interactive coaching. Exer's tools bring in-studio concepts to our member's homes; catalyzing our ability to not only challenge members, but also coach them on proper technique."

Kyle Bergman

Co-founder, Sweat From Home

With these insights, you’re back in control

Studio shows you real time data on every athlete in your session, so you can focus on the important stuff - motivation, engagement, and connection. You'll feel less fatigue after each workout, too.


The Zones let you and your athletes know key performance metrics in real time. Power zones are color-coded to reflect intensity.

The benefits

Think about it. Virtual workouts were missing something. Studio gives you superpowers with all these benefits at your command:


Frequently Asked Questions

What does Exer Studio work with?

Our Exer Studio app currently works on all web browsers except for Safari. We do have a Mac app you can use if Safari is the only browser on your machine.

Exer Studio is also compatible with any video communication tool (Zoom, Google Meet, etc) as well as IG Live, Facebook Live and Youtube workout videos.

What do the scores and percentages mean?

Your score on the leaderboard is based on a few factors, but primarily your movement over time. Our AI identifies 20+ body points using the camera on your device, and it tracks their movement during a workout to compute your score. You can see an example of this here. In general, the faster & further you move, the more points you will receive.

The percentages represent your level of physical exertion at any specific moment during a workout. This reflects your movement during a specific time interval (the last five seconds) and it is plotted on a scale of 1 to 100%. There are five different zones, each with a different color, which are meant to reflect how close you are to a maximum effort:

What does this cost?

Exer Studio is currently in beta and is free for both athletes and coaches.

What about my privacy?

We take your privacy very seriously. Exer Studio only sees a skeleton of your body joints and does not capture any background or interiors of your workout area. You can see an example of this here. Using Exer Studio and joining our workout classes constitutes acceptance of our Privacy Policy.

What is Exer?

We're an AI fitness startup building a platform that gives you real time feedback on your workouts and generally aiming to make workouts more fun and interactive. Instead of expensive hardware, we're using the devices you already own like your phone and computer. You can find out more here or try out our first app, Perfect Plank, in the App Store. Exer Studio is our newest beta product.

And it’s free

Yes, that’s right, free - for coaches and athletes.
We're onboarding coaches now.